Sports Physiotherapy
At Mind Heart Body Centre we understand the pressures of getting back to playing sport or back to training as soon as possible.
Our physiotherapists are passionate about helping, training and teaching many different types of athletes – basketball, soccer, volleyball, rugby, ALF players, swimmers, body builders, rowers, dancers and cross-fitters.
The most important reason for our assessments and treatments is to ensure a smooth, safe and timely return to your chosen activity.
Our assessments
Assessments will focus not only at your area of pain, but we will assess your whole body to ensure the reason why you injured yourself in the first place will not happen again. We will teach you how to correct the parts of your body that are letting your technique down and explain it to you in terms that you will understand. Communication is key to our treatments, as we believe you should always understand exactly what is happening to your body.
Our physio treatments
Treatment with the sports physiotherapist will involve realigning your body and correcting muscle imbalances by mobilising joints, releasing of tight muscles, strengthening specific muscle groups that aide in your specific sporting activities and correcting and promoting better movements that is task specific to your needs. We will provide a home exercise program, which may involve strengthening, stretching, and technique correction for you to actively take charge of your goals to maintain or achieve optimal strength, stability and flexibility.
Get in touch with us today
If you play sports for a living and are in need of physiotherapy solutions to help you feel your best, look no further than Mind Heart Body Centre. We cater our treatments to your specific needs, ensuring that you are able to perform to your optimal ability.