With a downwardly rotated scapula the glenoid fossa is turned down because the entire shoulder blade is rotated (the bottom angle of the scapula comes closer to the spine).
– your neck/shoulder is always tight and pulling
– you may be getting neural symptoms down your arm (pins and needles, numbness, heaviness)
– your arm may feel very heavy to lift
– you may experience headaches
Trying to correct your shoulder position by squeezing your shoulder blade back and down will only perpetuate your problem.
What usually needs to happen is we need to offload your shoulder blade – find out what is pulling your shoulder blade down. Often we will tape your shoulder blade up so it is sitting in the correct position and then give you cues to help maintain the position of the shoulder blade. So instead of giving rowing type exercises which can easily make this problem worse, we try to find cues to help you unglue and spread your shoulder blade away from the spine. Depending on your presentation, we may even prescribe you with shoulder elevation exercises.
If you are unsure if you have a rounded protracted shoulder or a downwardly rotated shoulder problem, book in at Mind heart body Centre so we can assess you and guide you on what you need to do next.